Headteacher: Mrs H Forrester

Kings Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 0HT



Sedgley Park Community Primary School

Spring 2025

Our Nursery children enjoyed a bedtime story session with their parents 

To start their new topic on The Romans, Year 3 made their own shields.

UKS2 had an exciting time on their trip to the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. 

Year 2 braved the windy weather and enjoyed some outdoor play and jumping in puddles!

Thank you to all our who came in to share a special bedtime story session  with Year 2!

Mrs Pyne’s class enjoyed their first session in forest school. 

Year 2 enjoyed their first forest school session, even though it was extremely cold.

Y2 had fun building stick houses, stick monsters and decorating sticks, at Forest School.

In Science, Year 1-2 have been investigating which material is most suitable for a house. 

In DT Year 3 enjoyed making some delicious Roman flapjacks!

KS1 dressed up as kings and queens ready for their king’s coronation and afternoon tea party. 

Year 4 designed shields and researched what Roman soldiers used to wear.

Y5 made simple circuits using batteries wires and spinners.

Thank you to all our parents who joined our open afternoon in Reception / Year 1!
